Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Smile is a movie about two young women, one being Katie, and the other being Lin.
The movie starts out with Lin being found. The man who found her becomes her adoptive father. Later we are shown Katie's 7th birthday. A happy family affair. The second they show Lin's 7th birthday. This is when Lin's fathers wife leaves him because he's basically given up his family for Lin.
Katie is a high end girl living in LA. When her teacher (played by Sean Astin) talks about an organization where students, and nurse's and such can help under privileged children have deformities fixed. Katie ends up going. Lin no longer wants to get the surgery for fear of leaving her home and father. When Katie never sees her she goes and finds her. She coaxes Lin to get the surgery and she does.
This movie is very, very heartfelt and cute, I almost cried on more than one occasion. The characters are so lovable, and the story line made it feel all too short to me. The movie is around an hour and twenty five minutes long. It's such a sweet movie, it was put together well, and the acting wasn't all that bad.
This movie IS on Netflix.com for renting and for instant play.

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